Are cosmetic products necessary to our lives? — SalonLove Skip to content

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Jessica Walker


13, 2023

Are cosmetic products necessary to our lives?

Every cause has an effect, and, in this case, it is the association of cosmetic products to self-esteem and how we choose to live our lives. 

Self-esteem is far more than just afeeling and how we choose to present ourselves to others cannot beunderestimated. Looking good and feeling confident have a strong correlation tothe use of beauty products. 88% of UK adults agree that positive mental healthis the most important factor to boost self-esteem, closely followed by gettingenough REM sleep and eating a healthy diet (source*). So we may assume a highproportion of adults consider cosmetics and personal care products as essentialto their lives. When asked, “what are the most essential products?”, shampooand conditioner were considered just as essential as toothpaste and toothbrush.


How we present ourselves boosts ourconfidence and self-esteem, when we consider that today only 29% of UK adultsreport having high self-esteem compared with 37% in 2013, we think it’s time totake positive steps to build ourselves up. Right now, you might not be able tobuy that house or car you desire but looking and feeling good can be as simpleas a fresh haircut or colour. Maintaining your style is a way to access yourmandatory dose of self-care. A stylist creates a bespoke experience for you, asa client, and it is their job to guarantee you a positive six weekly feeling.It can be as simple as a fresh blowout or as complex as a full balayage – the pointis that it is time invested for yourself. 


Several years ago, Yale Universityconducted a study that looked at the psychology of bad hair days – what theyfound shouldn’t be all that surprising. Participants reported feeling lesscapable, less sociable, and more anxious. The psychology of hair is importantand the way we look after it is more so. The effect hair has on self-esteem shouldbe no surprise to anyone. As a baby, praise is given on how much hair theyhave. As a woman, long hair is associated with femineity. Although that is astigma we want to challenge, we can’t help but notice how apparent it sometimesis that a woman with a shorter or more “daring” cut is likely described as boldor confident.


Today, physical appearance plays a bigrole in our every day lives, impacting our personal, social, and professionalareas. But what does our appearance mean for our self esteem? A sense ofattractiveness can be strongly connected to self-confidence and a positivemindset about us. While there are many things we cannot change about ourappearance as easily, hairstyle is one thing that is interchangeable. Withmillions frequently visiting the salon, it appears most of the population iswilling to make an impactful change to their look, the trade-off is a higherself-esteem. 


Every cause has an effect, and, in thiscase, it is the association of cosmetic products to self-esteem and how wechoose to live our lives. Naturally, after spending a decent amount of money(especially in a time of financial crisis), you need to be able to justify thatpurchase and one way to do that is investing in quality hair care that ensuresyour style looks fresher for longer. This means the importance of cosmeticsbeing used in our daily lives increases, we place higher demand on the bestproducts and begin to associate good hair care as “holy grails” to oursurvival. Ever heard someone recommend a shampoo and say, “this changed mylife!” or “I don’t know what I’d do with my life if they stopped selling this!”– dramatic yes, but that just indicates the standard users hold their cosmeticsto.